Structured Strategic Planning

Structured Strategic Planning is likely the most over-looked activity in managing change within an organization. The target of this activity is to provide executive-level guidance, an understanding of key risk areas and the maximization of project implementation benefits by reinforcing business and IT alignment. It is also designed to introduce risk management, strategic deployment options and organizational design alternatives early in the project planning process. All culminating in a strategic road-map to move forward with high-impact business process and system deployments.   ... Read More

Structured Strategic Planning - courtesy of PD McFarren Consulting, llc (

Structured Strategic Planning - courtesy of PD McFarren Consulting, llc (

Briefly Retail: Issue 2016 - 1

Consumer Absorption – Adapt or just Adopt?

In his book The Age of Spiritual Machines, Ray Kurzweil argued for extending Moore's Law to describe exponential growth of technological progress.  In it he predicts that paradigm shifts in technology problem solving will lead to "technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history."  ... Read More